NLAD Error Message Explanations

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DRC - In Progress: This subscriber is currently undergoing duplicate resolution processing.

- NLAD found that the applicant is a customer of multiple Lifeline providers; nothing can be done about it. - NLAD should have sent a letter to those affected customers; they will have to pick one provider or NLAD will pick one for them.

Validation Error: Transfers within 60 days of the previous service-initiation date are prohibited. Date eligible for transfer: MM/DD/YYYY

- NLAD rejected the transfer because this customer transferred or got a new LL service in the last 60 days. - The earliest date the customer can request to transfer next time is the date listed. - If the customer really wants to sign up our service and understands he/she will lose the existing LL service with another provider after the transfer, he/she can call to the other provider to cancel the service, and come back to sign up as a new enrollment. - Since there is no way we can know the other service was cancelled or not before activation, next time the customer come back to us, he/she may be rejected for the same reason if his/her previous provider did not de-enroll the old service from NLAD.

(Activation Only:) Government does not accept this transfer request. We cannot enroll or transfer this customer to our service at this moment. We will contact the corresponding agency regarding this situation.

- NLAD reported the applicant is current subscriber but when we tried to transfer his/her service. We were told subscriber cannot be found. - (Update) NLAD said they should fix this if this type of discrepancies still occurs. We need to let them know.

(Activation Only: This one is relatively new) According to the National Lifeline Database, applicant's service address matches the primary address of other subscriber. If the applicant lives with another independent household at the same address, please ask the applicant to certify independent economic household first.

- Agents will need to do IEH certification first and then return to the activation page.